Greetings from Indiana!
I write today letting you know that thanks to a generous pledge from a local family I know well, a $100,000 matching gift will be made to PPMD. That means every dollar donated between now and the end of the year will go twice as far. I hope I can convince you to contribute by sharing my experience in working alongside PPMD.
As I look back over my 20-year relationship with PPMD, I am proud of the work we have done to make strides in defining the natural history of Duchenne. When PPMD sponsored my fellowship, only a handful of cardiologists were familiar with Duchenne and Becker. That group has since grown significantly. Clinicians and researchers across the globe are inspired by PPMD’s work and invested in changing the course of Duchenne. We stand at the forefront of a new reality and it’s time we harness this wealth of knowledge and take steps to understand the benefits and challenges of emerging treatments and add-on therapies.
By bringing together top researchers, clinicians, regulators, and the patient voice, PPMD’s Dystrophinopathy Clinical Research Network (DCRN) has the potential to be a powerhouse of innovation. The DCRN will transform Duchenne and Becker care by comprehensively collecting and analyzing patient data across diverse therapeutic experiences, fostering provider collaboration through innovative technology to drive improved patient outcomes.
We have made remarkable progress over the past three decades, both in deepening our understanding of Duchenne and in developing groundbreaking therapies. However, we still face significant challenges in predicting how any individual will progress, and we continue to fall short in our ability to combat the most aggressive forms of cardiac disease associated with the condition.
In this new era, learning how to administer add-on therapies in order to slow progression and loss of function as quickly as possible is essential. The opportunity is now – we all know time is muscle. Give today and play an integral role in the development of the DCRN and its impact on this generation of individuals Duchenne and Becker. Your donation will go twice as far.
We are at a pivotal moment in the fight to end Duchenne. Together, we can advance the research evolution, moving science further, faster. Donate to help develop the DCRN today. Your gift will support new research for a new reality.
Larry Markham, MD
Cardiologist, Riley Hospital for Children
P.S. Make your gift now to fund PPMD’s commitment to accelerating progress today.
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