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Catch Up on Our PPMD Together Event in Seattle, Washington

This past weekend, PPMD convened over 100 attendees at our PPMD Together event in Seattle, Washington. Families, individuals with Duchenne and Becker, clinicians, researchers, industry partners and local vendors came together for the 2 day event to connect, share experiences and learn from each other.

The event started with a social gathering on Friday evening for parents, caregivers and adults with Duchenne and Becker to get to know one another and connect with familiar faces. On Saturday, PPMD kicked off a day of programming with a community and industry resource fair featuring care and support educational materials, local community resources, and a chance to speak one on one with industry partners. The day was filled with robust discussions from parents & caregivers, adults with Duchenne, members of the Seattle Children’s Certified Duchenne Care Center, and industry partners. Topics included the importance of advocacy-at both the state and federal level, ensuring equitable access for all, and advocating with the healthcare team for daily support. Clinical trial experiences, quality of life, building support networks and social relationships were also discussed. 

Both days, children were able to attend a dedicated Kids Track where they played games, had an ice cream sundae party and watched movies while their parents were able to focus on connecting with one another and participate in important discussions around care, research, and daily life. 

PPMD Together events are an earnest commitment to the dynamic needs of our community, bringing together families, industry partners, care providers, and advocates in a collaborative effort, shaping a future where every individual affected by Duchenne and Becker can thrive. 

Join us for our Virtual PPMD Together event in November where we will focus our connection around learning to manage and navigate behaviors associated with Duchenne and Becker. Stay tuned for registration and additional details coming soon. 

To stay up to date with future events and opportunities, join our mailing list here.

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